Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wind, Cold, rainy, yet Happy!

The weather outside is so frightful, yet in my home, we are a happy bunch! Robyn and Anna are smiling and cheerful, Sarah is going to meet up with a dear family friend today, and is excited for it, and I couldn't be more grateful for a loving and wonderful husband who provides for us daily, both emotionally and physically! Today is a great day!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Santa did what "he" wasn't going to...

Yes, Santa did buy Robyn a Barbie...I told myself and the hubby that I was not, but with the help of Grandma and Grandpa House, I did, I went out and got Robyn her own Barbie...what was I thinking? Anna will pull it's hair all out and Robyn will lose her shoes within the first hour if we are truly lucky! Plus, fighting will ensue for the doll herself...Wish us luck!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Asking Questions Instead of Making Statements...

That is what Robyn (4) has not been doing. She will state something instead of asking, at first it was funny and now it is just annoying. She will say something like, "Santa is bringing me a barbie!" instead of asking something like, "Is Santa bringing me a Barbie for Christmas?" She is so certain and states her case with such conviction, I don't know what I am going to do!

Monday, December 20, 2010

The line at the Post Office...

Wow, you would think that it was the holidays or something...Jim helped me take the packages that were being shipped, only five this year, to the post office, and omg, the line was only about 10 people deep. A lady in front of us said that it was worse this past Saturday, when the line wove around and out the door, I can't imagine if I had had to take the little kids by myself, I have a wonderful husband! P.S. if you are expecting a gift from us, it should be arriving by Friday, and no later, they promised! Love to All, and Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Lovin' the Food Nanny!

There is a meal prep program called the "Food Nanny", and it is awesome! I can plan two weeks of meals, get recipe's and print the completed plan out all in one location. I love the theme night ideas, and it gives us a lot more variety and avoids the rut that we sometimes get into. Plus, if anyone wants to know what is for dinner, it is posted on the fridge, and they don't have to ask me, and I spend less time stressing over what to make, and spending more time snuggling with my sweet girls! Like I said, "Lovin' the Food Nanny!"

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Things to Do...

Christmas Letter done...check.
Addresses compiled...check
Still to do...
Bake, cookies, breads, candies...
Finish Christmas cards...
Wrap and ship out of state presents...
Buy Jim a Present...
Still so much to do, I use to be so organized, but I guess it is more fun to be running around like a chicken...NOT!

Monday, December 6, 2010

A Chicken Soup for the Soul Story...

Years ago, I was given a Chicken Soup book, and in it there was a story about a single mother and her children. The child asked a Santa for a gift, and while the gift didn't arrive that Christmas, it did the following. By way of a new Dad/Husband for the family, and the joy and love that comes along with pure happiness... Eight years ago next week, my own Chicken Soup story began. I had moved to Idaho on a whim...literally, along with the help of my sister and her husband, and had moved to a rather small town. I was certain that I would at that point, never marry. But other plans were in the works, I just didn't know it then. At a church Christmas party, there was a hired Santa, much like the story, and my young daughter asked the Santa for something that I would be told about later, that happened to be the reason for the coming events. You see, my daughter asked the Santa "for someone to come into our lives, so we didn't have to be alone anymore..." It still makes me tear up as I think about it now. You see, the Santa was use to hearing about the latest toy, and the like, but that request touched him enough to share with friends of mine. A few days later, I got a phone call, with that friend saying, "I gave this guy your number and I hope you don't mind, and oh, by the way, his name is Jim..." I was floored, I could believe it. I was also told that he was very shy and might not even call, but if he did I should give him a chance. About two days later, I got my answer. He called, and I actually said yes, when he asked me to go out on a date, a true blind date at that because all I got was his first name, and all he got was my name and phone number. Plus, we really hit it off, and suffice it to say, he talked the whole time during our date, he was not shy with me! Fast forward to today, we were married just shy of eight months after our first date, and we added to more children, both daughters to our ready made family, and couldn't be happier! There is something to be said for a Christmas Party Santa! Happy Holidays to All!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Day After Thanksgiving...

Okay, now what? I know what is expected, Thanksgiving is over, and the Christmas holiday begins, if it hasn't already in some cases, what am I suppose to do? I know, the typical answers would be, decorate for Christmas, put up the tree and arrange the village pieces and stockings, put lights up outside, start or finish shopping for Christmas gifts, go on a diet, after all of the food that was consumed on Thanksgiving Day...but whatelse? I am just feeling a little bit of a letdown, you know, the drop off point after preparing for a day like Thanksgiving and all the buildup to the big meal, and the visits with family and all the stress, both good and bad that go with it. Things wil pick up again shortly in preparation for the Christmas holiday, so I was just wondering what to do in the meantime?

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Six Credits.....

Okay, okay, I know....6 credits in college will not be much this Fall, yeah right...I am not single and 21 with no responsibilities anymore either. Six credits is insane! Just ask the family....all four of them, Jim, Sarah, Robyn & Anna. Not to mention ME! I am sticking with Psych classes, so that when I am excepted into a Masters Program next year (fingers crossed) I will not be totally rusty!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Sunshine is Beautiful!

Yesterday the girls and I went for a walk (Mommy needed this), they got their hair trimmed (necessary), we took a detour to the bank, (necessary), got home and spent over an hour in their swings (for fun), and Mommy took pictures...of what you ask? My flowers, all of them! The roses, the gigiantic lavendar bush, the yucca flowers that has bloomed (never seen that before), the lone remaining bleeding heart on the large bush, and even the tomato plants, and the tomatoes that are beginning to come on in place of the large blooms that were there before, etc. I am so pleased! We had a great day together!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

A walking we will go!

We walked again this morning, a few people that see us at the HS track are amazed that I can get the little girls up and out the door that early...little do they know, my schedule is mostly based on them and a little luck that Jim does leave about the same time we do in the morning, and so he helps me get them into the vehicle...I am so lucky!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I promise to do better!

I have made a promise to do better, not just at our blog, but also at being more patient, at continuing to walk in the mornings, at being a more friendly person, and at being a more understanding wife...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Upcoming Birthday!

I will be 38 y/o in a few days aand I am a bit uncertain. Do I like getting older, sometimes NO!, but I do know that with the older you get the more knowlegable you can become, learning from mistakes, and the good things that happen take time and the older that I get, the more I seem to figure it out. I have a long way to go still but am trying to enjoy the ride along the way!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sarah's Adventure...

Today was the first day that Sarah drove by herself with her car.....I was so scared that we would get the dreaded phone call that she was in an accident. But, that did not happen, she made it to and from school with no problem! I am relieved and proud, Tomorrow I will worry all over but for now I am basking in the relief that I feel!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Can't weight to start...

I am just waiting to being the new diet program that I ordered! Still excited...So much so, I have already sabotaged myself, went to the store last night, in a rush, as usual, and bought cookies, and granola bars. Presumably for the kids and Jim to enjoy, but all I am thinking about this morning is those sugar cookies with pink frosting sitting on top of the toaster...literally calling my name....aaaaaaagh!

Monday, May 17, 2010

I finally did it!

I bought the "6 week body makeover" kit... I need to do something, and nothing I have tried thusfar is working. I told myself that when it would be getting warmer outside, that I would need to change, and so I have made the first step...Failure is no longer an option...I need this! Wish me luck!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Mother's Day...

was a bit of a bust...I had to still cook and clean for everyone all day, and nothing special really happened...but that is all part of having the gift of being a Mom, I guess. I hope that everyone else enjoyed their day...that is a consolation to me!

Friday, May 7, 2010

To Ebay or Not to Ebay...

That actually is a really good question, that I do not have a absolute concrete answer to. There are Pros, like the money that I could make, not having to have a garage sale, alllowing someone to have perfectly good items...but there are also the Cons, like the prep work that it takes to upload all of the information, the possibility of not making the money I need to pay for the costs of using ebay...That is my question for today.

Friday, April 30, 2010

With Mother's Day Approaching...

I thought of something...I agree that "a Mom is a Mom for life"...but what about the others, women who want to be Mom's but can't for whatever reason...A Mom, I feel is anyone who in their heart wants to nurture and care for another, no matter if they have children that they call or claim as their own or not. Remember as a child when we would play with our dolls, and carry them around cuddling, and feeding them, and pretending to change them? At even that small of an age, we were a Mom, how were we to know that when we got older, that we may or may not become a parent with a child to call our own? I love my children, and I appreciate them daily for their smiles and laughs and in the ways that they tell me that they love me, but I often feel for those women who do not have that in their life...let's envelope them into that special day that is called "Mother's Day", and let them know that they are special to us also!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

An upcoming Trip to the Bulk Store...

Or in other words, Costco...or the $100.00 store. By any other name you still spend A WHOLE LOT of money! I don't quite understand how people can just go in there and not spend a lot of money. I can put four things in my cart and I am usually at about $100.00 if not more. I do usually buy diapers and formula, but still, even when you purchase chicken, or shampoo, or frozen foods or something like that, you know what I am talking about...You can look at it like you are saving money, in the long run, but that initial sticker shock is hard to handle...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Can't decide...

I have been trying to figure if I should just get my Master's degree or instead go ahead and skip that and go for my Doctorate...I don't quite know what I will do with a Doctorate in Psychology here in rural Idaho, am not sure if it is worth the expense and time...I am interested more in the geriatric end of things and not so much the teenage bipolar type that appears more prevalent a sitation here. Either way, I need to decide on a good school with a better than good reputation! Even though I have been told that a degree is a degree no matter where you get it, it does matter to me a little...oh, did I mention that I am needing to do this all online...just a thought for today. Though I do need to find time to start a search for schools though. Have a happy day!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Disposable vs. Cloth...

That has been a choice that I have made, but it is a bit hard to get Jim to participate fully with the cloth. I understand some people's feelings for either or, but we are a combination of both in our household, whether we want to be or not.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What's for Dinner...

The plan is one of Jim's favs. Sloppy Joes. What we really eat remains to be seen...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thing are good here!

We are having a nice evening...if only the girls would go to sleep! Christina has been cleaning the house and trying to keep up after Robyn (3) today, am hoping that the weather holds out and she can go outside tomorrow and enjoy her swing set! Anna and I will watch if that is the case. Wish us well!