Friday, April 30, 2010

With Mother's Day Approaching...

I thought of something...I agree that "a Mom is a Mom for life"...but what about the others, women who want to be Mom's but can't for whatever reason...A Mom, I feel is anyone who in their heart wants to nurture and care for another, no matter if they have children that they call or claim as their own or not. Remember as a child when we would play with our dolls, and carry them around cuddling, and feeding them, and pretending to change them? At even that small of an age, we were a Mom, how were we to know that when we got older, that we may or may not become a parent with a child to call our own? I love my children, and I appreciate them daily for their smiles and laughs and in the ways that they tell me that they love me, but I often feel for those women who do not have that in their life...let's envelope them into that special day that is called "Mother's Day", and let them know that they are special to us also!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

An upcoming Trip to the Bulk Store...

Or in other words, Costco...or the $100.00 store. By any other name you still spend A WHOLE LOT of money! I don't quite understand how people can just go in there and not spend a lot of money. I can put four things in my cart and I am usually at about $100.00 if not more. I do usually buy diapers and formula, but still, even when you purchase chicken, or shampoo, or frozen foods or something like that, you know what I am talking about...You can look at it like you are saving money, in the long run, but that initial sticker shock is hard to handle...

Monday, April 26, 2010

Can't decide...

I have been trying to figure if I should just get my Master's degree or instead go ahead and skip that and go for my Doctorate...I don't quite know what I will do with a Doctorate in Psychology here in rural Idaho, am not sure if it is worth the expense and time...I am interested more in the geriatric end of things and not so much the teenage bipolar type that appears more prevalent a sitation here. Either way, I need to decide on a good school with a better than good reputation! Even though I have been told that a degree is a degree no matter where you get it, it does matter to me a little...oh, did I mention that I am needing to do this all online...just a thought for today. Though I do need to find time to start a search for schools though. Have a happy day!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Disposable vs. Cloth...

That has been a choice that I have made, but it is a bit hard to get Jim to participate fully with the cloth. I understand some people's feelings for either or, but we are a combination of both in our household, whether we want to be or not.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What's for Dinner...

The plan is one of Jim's favs. Sloppy Joes. What we really eat remains to be seen...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thing are good here!

We are having a nice evening...if only the girls would go to sleep! Christina has been cleaning the house and trying to keep up after Robyn (3) today, am hoping that the weather holds out and she can go outside tomorrow and enjoy her swing set! Anna and I will watch if that is the case. Wish us well!